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Ananda Associazione

Via Montecchio, 61 • 06025 Nocera Umbra (PG) • ITALY


+39 0742 813620

Monday through Saturday 11:00-13:00 and 15:30-17:00
Sunday 10:00-11:00 and 15:30-17:00

For urgent matters only:
Mobile: +39 334 5745930 | +39 334 2949598

How to find us

By car

Ananda is located on the main road SS444 between Assisi  and Gualdo Tadino. From the Superstrada 75 Perugia-Foligno take the exit ‘S. Maria degli Angeli’ (not Assisi) and follow firstly the directions for Assisi and then for Gualdo Tadino; you will reach the SS444. Follow the SS444 for 16km; Ananda is on top of the hill approximately 4 km after the small village of San Presto.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please don’t use your navigator as they often take you to the wrong place.

By train

From Assisi train station you can take a taxi to our retreat centre, it will take approximately 30 minutes. Otherwise you can take a bus to Piazza Matteotti and from there the school bus which goes up to Ananda: Monday-Friday at 13:55 and 16:40, Saturday at 13:55. Ask the bus driver to stop at Ananda.

If you are arriving from the direction of the Adriatic Sea, you can also take the train to Gualdo Tadino. Please contact us for directions for arrival from that station.

By plane

The closest airport to our centre is Perugia. Other airports are Ancona, Roma Fiumicino, Roma Ciampino and Florence.

Aum Aum Car

Aum Aum Car is a Facebook Group which serves to help guests find a ride to Ananda and/or share the trip. You can both offer rides and ask for one.